Nevermind, I found "guest" - duh. Sorry!
Yep, the per guest multiplier is what you want!
We've got an article with more than you ever wanted to know about the rates in OwnerRez over here:
I don't know, based on what I have read on many VR places, trying to charge per person is a wild goose chase. Things such as:
-- Encourages people to sneak in guests and you having to try to do a head count
-- Trying to collect a head count charge on people doing so and leading to unwanted negativity such as bad reviews, etc.
-- Wear and tear on owner trying to monitor and assess.
This is a hospitality business. Charge what the market can bear, and don't obsess over small things. They broke a $20 toaster - how do I collect? They snuck in an extra person! They overstayed 15 minutes! Be more patient/tolerant on small things.