Owner Rez Website -- about to go live but have a question

Andree M
Nov 8, 2019 6:59 PM
Joined Nov, 2018 12 posts

Working on our website through Owner Rez and getting ready to go live. Getting excited!!
Question, when you go live what is the process to make changes to your live site?

Is there a button or process so you can change a price, picture, etc.?

Don't see any steps for editing a live site


Ken T
Nov 9, 2019 12:53 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1706 posts

Mostly, the content of your Hosted Website (live or otherwise) is driven by the information you've entered for your Properties - photos, descriptions, etc. So if you add new photos to a Property in OwnerRez, they'll automatically appear on the page for that property in your Hosted Website without you having to do anything further.

Beyond that, you can add new custom pages and, to some extent, edit and add content to some of the automatically included pages, by clicking on them in the table of pages in your Hosted Website settings.

If you need more specifics, send us a support request to help@ownerreservations.com and we can respond with example screenshots from your account.