Managing Two Calendars

Monica R
Mar 17, 2020 10:18 AM
Joined Feb, 2018 86 posts

When I send a quote and rental agreement via OR to a guest and they make payment, a booking is automatically created in my OR calendar. I love this! Except that in order to avoid double-booking, I have to manually block those dates off in my Evolve master calendar.

BUT when I do that, when OR imports my Evolve bookings my OR calendar thinks there's been a double booking and it throws me an "calendar sync error" email.

I'd LOVE to use OR as my master calendar but I can't, because as I understand it, the OR calendar doesn't push data to Evolve or other calendars; it only PULLS data in. So in light of the fact that I must use Evolve as my master calendar, does anyone have a good workaround to avoid the calendar sync error messages?


Ken T
Mar 17, 2020 10:34 AM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

OwnerRez is fully able to push iCal calendar feeds to any other system that is able to accept them.

The problem is Evolve specifically, as discussed here:

Monica R
Mar 17, 2020 2:36 PM
Joined Feb, 2018 86 posts

Ken, thank you. Here's a question... in your experience, do you think I could have my OR calendar push to a GOOGLE calendar, and then I could have that Google calendar push to Evolve? Does that sound like it would solve the issue or create some sort of crazy loop?


Ken T
Mar 19, 2020 9:53 AM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

I'm not sure how that would help. The problem is how Evolve combines bookings in their calendars, so you can't sensibly *import* them into OwnerRez.

If you can export a Google calendar into Evolve, you can export your OwnerRez calendar into Evolve the same way and save a step.

Also, since Evolve generally piggybacks off of HomeAway's calendar, if you have a HomeAway listing to export your OwnerRez calendar into, that may properly push your OwnerRez bookings into Evolve also.

Monica R
Mar 21, 2020 1:22 PM
Joined Feb, 2018 86 posts

You can't push anything INTO the Evolve calendar. You can only use its URL to PULL the Evolve calendar data OUT of it.