Legal Agreements

Lauren V
Mar 9, 2018 3:59 PM
Joined Dec, 2017 10 posts

What do you use to add an automated field for your RA that isn't in the list?
I need to have the North Carolina Agreement show Advanced Rent/Due Date, Rent Balance/Due Date, Reservation Fee/Due Date, Trip Ins/Due Date, Taxes/Due Date, Cleaning Fee/Due Date, Other Fees/Due Date, Pet fee/Due Date, Listing Site Booking Fee/Due Date.
I have found the {BFPAMT} for advance rent, for security:{BSDAMT}, for rent balance: {BSPAMT} & {BSPDATE}. Tax: {BTTAX} Total: {BTAMT}. But I am missing the others and don't see how to fill these in? Help please.

Lauren V
Mar 12, 2018 5:26 PM
Joined Dec, 2017 10 posts


Chris Hynes
Mar 12, 2018 5:50 PM
OR Team Member Joined Oct, 2012 1402 posts

Is that basically the list of charges you're looking for? If so, the best way is to insert the entire list via the following field:


Lauren V
Mar 13, 2018 9:28 PM
Joined Dec, 2017 10 posts

That only show rent and tax.
How do I get all the other items I need to show?
Advanced Rent/Due Date,
Rent Balance/Due Date,
Reservation Fee/Due Date,
Trip Ins/Due Date,
Taxes/Due Date,
Cleaning Fee/Due Date,
Other Fees/Due Date,
Pet fee/Due Date,
Listing Site Booking Fee/Due Date.

Chris Hynes
Mar 14, 2018 1:15 AM
OR Team Member Joined Oct, 2012 1402 posts

If you want to charge other fees, you'd add them as surcharges in OwnerRez and put them in the same charges grid on the booking. The {BCTAB} field will pick up whatever you put there.

Are there 9 different due dates in your process, one for each type of fee, due separately? The built in amounts and dates you already found for first and second payments. You could add additional custom fields if you have additional due dates.

Travel insurance is handled separately and charged directly by TravelGuard. The guest will get a receipt email and policy notification from them.