Homeaway API rates pushing

Brendan C
May 13, 2020 11:18 AM
Joined Nov, 2019 23 posts

I just switched over to the VRBO/Homeaway API. I was previously pushing rates via the channel bridge and had it set to push 5% higher than the rates on my website to make up for commissions VRBO/Homeaway charges. That 5% would automatically increase the nightly rate. Since switching to API it seems the nightly rates doesn't increase by 5%, but instead shows up as a 5% property fee on VRBO/Homeaway. I don't want the guest to think they are getting hit with more fees and would rather have it built into the nightly rate. Is there a way for it to happen this way?

Ken T
May 13, 2020 11:32 AM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts


It looks like you'd set up a special "VRBO/Homeaway Commissions" surcharge. This works exactly as you've described - the surcharge is applied, but it is specifically called out. We don't recommend doing it this way.

Instead, go to the setting for your HA/VRBO API connection - Settings > API Integrations > click the HomeAway entry > Change button, and scroll down to Rate Adjustment. It looks like you do have the 5% increase here, so your VRBO guests are getting hit twice. Disable the "VRBO/Homeaway Commissions" surcharge, and you should be fine.

Brendan C
May 13, 2020 11:59 AM
Joined Nov, 2019 23 posts

I have had that special 5% surcharge in place already and was pushing nightly rates via channel bridge that way. Since connecting the API I now see a "call out" of 5% property fees on Homeaway/VRBO website that was never there before. It also shows up as a management fee during checkout on their platform. I only want to make the nightly fees 5% higher and not have a property/management fee. This was never there before I connected the API.

Chris L
May 13, 2020 6:19 PM
Joined May, 2017 208 posts

Not sure why you posted the same thing again. Ken answered your question pretty clearly.

Delete the 5% surcharge from your Surcharges & Discounts area.

Go to the API Connections area for HomeAway and add 5% to the "Rate Adjustment" box.

Voila. (Although it sounds like, from what Ken said, you already have 5% there, so you're actually raising your HomeAway rates by 10% right now.)