Creating Mandatory Form Fields

Stacy S
Apr 5, 2019 7:17 PM
Joined Feb, 2019 31 posts

I thought I knew how to do this but now I can't find the directions. Can someone point me to it? I need to add mandatory address and email to my contract since I just learned that Airbnb doesn't pass those through.


Chris Hynes
Apr 6, 2019 1:33 AM
OR Team Member Joined Oct, 2012 1403 posts

Physical address and email address are already required on all contracts automatically, so you're good to go there.

If you want to add additional fields to the signing process, here's how:

Stacy S
Apr 6, 2019 9:32 AM
Joined Feb, 2019 31 posts

No physical address is coming through on Airbnb bookings and the email is the Airbnb one so I am not getting direct guest emails. -Of course it looks like Airbnb guests don't want to sign contracts either so not sure I'll get much of anything anyway.

Stacy S
Apr 6, 2019 9:36 AM
Joined Feb, 2019 31 posts

Okay, I thought one of my Airbnb guests signed and her info didn't come through. I went back and can see that she didn't. Thanks!

Chris Hynes
Apr 6, 2019 6:29 PM
OR Team Member Joined Oct, 2012 1403 posts

Yep, Airbnb only gives the phone and platform email for their guests, but physical address and real email address are required on the OwnerRez e-signing process, so you'll have them on file once the guest does complete the signing process.