Booking Page: Show prices in other currency

Heroes Vacation
Mar 16, 2023 12:32 PM
Joined Mar, 2023 13 posts


we charge in USD $, most of our guests come from the UK who use £/GBP and some other European countries that use the €/Euro

We're moving from Lodgify and that will show the booking in the local currency and show approx and say we bill in USD and conversion is approx price, it helps our international guests see what it will cost them in their local currency.

it'll detect the countries currency based on their IP address

example Screenshot from a UK IP address which automatically selected GBP


Is something like this available in OR?


Ken T
Mar 20, 2023 11:48 AM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

No, OwnerRez does not do any currency conversion, arbitrage, etc. - it changes constantly.  Each individual property in your OwnerRez account can have only one currency assigned to it, and, your payment processor needs to be in that same currency.  If a guest is from another country, the payment processor will normally handle the currency conversion automatically, and transparently to you.

Rose S
Dec 21, 2023 11:22 AM
Joined Oct, 2023 1 post

No, OwnerRez does not do any currency conversion, arbitrage, etc. - it changes constantly.  Each individual property in your OwnerRez account can have only one currency assigned to it, and, your payment processor needs to be in that same currency.  If a guest is from another country, the payment processor will normally handle the currency conversion automatically, and transparently to you.

by Ken T – Mar 20, 2023 3:48 PM (UTC)

Hi Ken,


Please assist. My Quickbooks has a default currency of KES (multicurrency has been turned on as well). However finalising a booking in USD generates an invoice in KES without conversion. How can i sync the currency on my OR to reflect the same currency on QB as set under quickbooks property settings.

Ken T
Dec 21, 2023 11:58 AM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

I'd recommend writing in to our Helpdesk for more specific assistance.  Looking at your account, I see that it is configured in USD, so if your QuickBook account is configured for a different currency as you say, that is going to cause all sorts of problems.  But, it's not as simple as just changing the currency in OwnerRez, because that also has to match the currency set in your listing channels as well as your payment processors.  OwnerRez does not control any of those - you have to manually ensure they're all on the same currency.