Airbnb Opportunities

James L
May 12, 2022 9:04 AM
Joined Oct, 2021 77 posts

Every-time I log into Airbnb I get presented with a list of 'opportunities' and a list of things to 'update' my property with. Some of them I am not going to do but others I either already do or can easily change. I have ticked the boxes on Airbnb but they keep coming back so I'm guessing I need to do something on the Ownerrez side.


I thought I had already completed everything but if anyone can point me to a location on Ownerrez to complete them so it ticks the box on Airbnb? I'd be very grateful


1. Provide basics for cooking

2. Offer weekly discounts - I already do on Owner rez but it doesn't show on Airbnb

3. Safety Considerations Pool/hot tub without a gate or lock

4. Nearby lake, river, other body of water

5. Climbing or play structure

6. Heights without rails or protection

7. Potentially dangerous animal

8. Security cameras/audio recording devices

9. Must climb stairs

10. Potential for noise

11. Pet(s) live on property

12. Some spaces are shared

13. Amenity limitations

14. Weapons on property

Ken T
May 13, 2022 5:12 PM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1705 posts

Most of these are available in various pages in OwnerRez in the Properties area.  This support doc may also be helpful:

If you still can't disposition one of these, please reach out to the Helpdesk to take a look.

James L
May 13, 2022 6:01 PM
Joined Oct, 2021 77 posts

Most of these are available in various pages in OwnerRez in the Properties area.  This support doc may also be helpful:

If you still can't disposition one of these, please reach out to the Helpdesk to take a look.

by Ken T – May 13, 2022 9:12 PM (UTC)

Thanks Ken. I’ll have a read in the morning.



James L
Dec 22, 2022 5:58 AM
Joined Oct, 2021 77 posts

Hi Ken

Just revisiting this old issue. I have been through the support doc ( and have fixed everything I can find on there. However there are still many that I cannot get to change. I will send a message to support.

Pool/hot tub without a gate or lock

Nearby lake, river, other body of water

Climbing or play structure

Heights without rails or protection

Potentially dangerous animal

Security cameras/audio recording devices

Must climb stairs

Potential for noise

Pet(s) live on property

No parking on property

Some spaces are shared

Amenity limitations

Weapons on property