AirBnB Channel Bridge Import, Amount Owning should be 0 and Damage Insurance Charges

Marina's Edge Re
Oct 6, 2018 12:38 PM
Joined Oct, 2012 206 posts

I just imported my bookings from AirBnB using Channel Bridge import and it added the "Damage Insurance" charges leaving an amount owing for the guest. Do I get charged damage insurance for the imported bookings? Shouldn't all AirBnB imports leave an amount owing of $0 after the guest has departed?

Marina's Edge Re
Oct 6, 2018 5:21 PM
Joined Oct, 2012 206 posts

I modified the surcharge rules so they did not apply to Airbnb bookings and it resolved this. However, the initial behavior seems odd still

Chris Hynes
Oct 6, 2018 6:30 PM
OR Team Member Joined Oct, 2012 1403 posts

Yep, setting the rules on the surcharges to exclude Airbnb is exactly the solution here. As we're moving into the channel management space in OwnerRez, we're bringing all of that configuration together.

For VRBO and where you can actually define custom fees and taxes, we pick up only what the site includes in their charges.

However, Airbnb doesn't allow configuring either custom fees or taxes -- so the only way to represent those is either to build them into your rates or to submit a resolution request afterward. So by default, surcharges will be first matched to their built in fee types like "cleaning" and used if possible. If not, they will be added. And taxes will be calculated as built in to the rates.

For example, for my properties I've got a $15/night firewood fee and 13% taxes. No way to include either of those in the rates on Air. So I build the 13% into my rate (and note that on my listing). I also submit a resolution request for the $15/night firewood fee (which is also noted in the house rules).

If you don't want a surcharge or tax to show up at all, exclude it like you did.

And if you want to mark either as added/built into rates instead of the default, you can create an Airbnb synced channel in Settings > Channels and set the configuration there.