Providing Linens for a rustic rental

Jacques L
Mar 28, 2018 7:37 AM
Joined Jun, 2014 50 posts

AirBnB emailed me the other day that as of July they will be requiring all rentals to provide linens. I contacted my independent cleaner, and he's willing to do the extra work, but we need a good system. I have 4 rentals from 1BR to 4BR on a lake in a very rural area.

* no washer/dryer on site
* limited indoor storage space
* 15m to a sketchy looking laudromat
* 30m to a decent looking laudromat

Has anyone designed a good system for similar conditions?


Mar 28, 2018 5:40 PM
Joined Oct, 2016 29 posts

Not sure if this would even be an option for you but ...... When I had a private lady clean my condo in Myrtle Beach, I purchased 3 entire sets of linens for all the beds / baths / kitchen. She kept set one locked in the owners closet for emergency use, set 2 was in use by the "current" guests and set three was taken home by her and washed / folded at her leisure.

She would just exchange sets 2 and 3 every turn over which in my case is every Saturday.

We used Amazon to deliver replacements to her home when needed.

Mar 30, 2018 9:34 AM
Joined Jun, 2016 1142 posts

We are in TN smoky mountains and everyone here provides lines, towels , and starter supply of detergent, TP and paper towels. In some cases owners buy their own linens. I do not - I have them provided by housekeeper's company. Housekeepers are laundering linens offsite and it is included in costs of cleaning. If you buy your own linens, you need to have several sets so that housekeepers can change them and take soiled ones offsite to launder at their convenience.

Jacques L
Mar 31, 2018 10:50 AM
Joined Jun, 2014 50 posts

Yes, thanks!

We don't have dedicated owner's closets in every unit, so I think I'm going to end up buying a shed, 3 sets of sheets for every bed, and some mouse-proof boxes to store the extras in. I think my cleaner will be good with this plan.


Cheryl H
Apr 6, 2019 12:12 AM
Joined Mar, 2019 2 posts

I own a cleaning business in Tampa and I clean a few vacation rentals. I also work for my daughter cleaning and managing her cleaning business in Destin. That being said you have two viable options first being as previously mentioned having three sets of turns on hand with a private cleaner which is what I do in Tampa with the rentals I clean. Or you can check around for a cleaning service that provides linens for every turn they bring in the clean and take the dirty with them. There really isn’t much difference in cost the difference is with a cleaning service that provides the linen you know you will always have the places cleaned and fresh linen in unit at all times with someone private if they get sick or car breaks down they would have to find someone to not only clean it at the drop of a dime but be able to get the clean linen to the unit. The other benefit to a service is they get good quality linens at a better price than we can get they do the ordering when needed and they can let you know when the guests should be charged for missing or damaged linens so your not absorbing the costs. Also going with a service you do t have to store linen in the rental in an owners closet which is great when you have limited space to store things. You just need to check in the forums of Airbnb or vrbo even Facebook groups or google cleaning services and call around for prices they are all over the place anymore.

Apr 9, 2019 10:49 AM
Joined Jun, 2018 385 posts

Why don't you put in a stacking washer/dryer? It may be less of a headache than other workarounds