New regional listing sites added

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Carolina Vacation Home Rentals

We continue to be amazed at the volume and quality of new listing sites that have been popping up recently. I've found that regional sites can be just as important as the big national sites. A regional site can be much more targeted to sales in a specific area, and can get a boost in search rankings by going for a local niche rather than a broad market clientele.

In that vein, OwnerRez just added full support for integration with several new listing sites, including Carolina Vacation Home Rentals and We receive inquiries through our email parsing engine. We also support two way calendar sync through our iCal calendar import and export.

Once you get your listings set up on these listing sites, use the following guides to get integrated with OwnerRez:

If you use or own a regional listing site and are interested in OwnerRez integration, let us know and we can explore that process with you.