How an OwnerRez Client Uses RueBaRue & Guest Guides

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OwnerRez has a ton of great features that we are constantly updating. We love partnering with companies that can add even more functionality for our users. It’s even better when a company can bring something to the table that we don’t support.

RueBaRue does just that. RueBaRue offers owners and property managers the ability to send property guides and destination guides to the guest for their booking. These guides reduce the time you spend communicating back and forth over email. Not only is this good you, it’s good for your guests.

Here is a testimonial from one of our esteemed users who integrated with RueBaRue:

"We love RueBaRue, and we highly recommend property management companies explore this easy to use integrated and online guest portal property guide! We no longer have to spend hours communicating to the guests pre-arrival/post departure/ or even during the guest stay. RueBaRue is such a great tool to take property management services to the next level and stand out!

The integration is working perfectly with ownerrez. Guests get an email and a text with a link to their guest portal specific with their booking information. It includes check-in instructions, house rules, safety locations, and informational tools on how the house operates. We really noticed the value of RueBaRue during the COVID-19 Pandemic. We had a fast, easy way to communicate to all our travelers the local laws/ordinances to keep compliant. We were able to update all guests at once of any emergencies or helpful information. It takes some time setting up RueBaRue but once you have all your properties custom it does all the work for you from there. We don't have nearly the amount of phone calls pre-arrival from guests asking what kind of coffee maker or where to get keys etc. It's all in the guest portal!!

Everything about the home is at the tips of the guests fingers and this means when the wifi password changes, you no longer have to send a staff to the property to update those refrigerator house rules, you can simply update them on the property guide. Have complicated TV instructions? Just snap a video and upload it to RueBaRue. Additionally RueBarRue offers a guide with local restaurants and activities to do in the area! The texting feature is also a total plus." - Beachside Rental

Here are some examples of what the guides looks like:

If you’d like to play around with this on your own, here is a link to Beachside Rentals guest book:

Check out RueBaRue by following this link: