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Happy 2023! Bugs and Resolutions!

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Every time you tear a leaf off a calendar, you present a new place for new ideas and progress. -Charles Kettering

Welcome to the first product update of the new year detailing the January 4th release with two quick fixes.

I shouldn't begin the first product post of the new year talking about resolutions, should I? Ok, ok, I'll keep it brief.

Our resolution (blog-related) is to publish Product Update blog posts more promptly. We are a wee bit behind on 2022 product posts and are working on getting those published, but 2023 Product Update blog posts should follow new releases very closely, as this one did. We'll consider you our accountability partner in meeting this goal!

I hope you've had a chance to read the December 21st email from Paul laying out the highlights from the 2023 roadmap. We're excited about where OwnerRez is headed and hope you are too! We'll be striving to accomplish as much from the roadmap as possible this year. Some of the roadmap depends on our partners (e.g., Vrbo), but a lot rests with OwnerRez's Product and Engineering teams. Things happen and plans sometimes have to change but it should be a great 2023 ahead! Stay tuned by keeping an eye out on the changelog and here with the blog.

Now on to the bug fixes, and then we'll let you go until next time!

Bug Fixes

Manually handle security deposit option on booking cancellation screen. Back in December, we added the ability to control what to do with security deposits (e.g., hold or refundable deposit) while canceling a booking via OwnerRez. Intended to be super handy, if you had selected the "I'll release or keep it manually" option during the cancellation process before this fix, it went ahead and kept the whole security deposit. Only a few bookings were affected, but we quickly fixed it so it didn't wrongly handle any others. Don't fear selecting it now; if the "manually" option is selected, it will do nothing as it should.

OwnerRez Hosted website and Portal certificates weren't canceled when no longer needed. A peak behind the curtain with this one. OwnerRez runs a behind-the-scenes check regularly to evaluate OwnerRez-powered hosted websites and portal sites to ensure SSL certificates are valid and up-to-date. Part of that protocol included that if the DNS configuration was removed or inactive for 30 days and the user had done nothing to correct it, OwnerRez would cancel the certificate. Well, that wasn't happening but all is well now.