Issuing professional, timely owner statements that display revenue and expenses is an essential aspect of your property management business. OwnerRez can help you easily generate monthly branded Owner Statements!
But before you start generating your Owner Statement, you should configure your Statement Views first.
What is a Statement View, and why should you create it first? A Statement View is a template that allows you to customize and display varying amounts of information about your revenue and expenses. You can then select that Statement View when creating your Owner Statement.
Owner Statements
The easiest way to start owner statements and payouts from scratch is to issue one statement per owner and the corresponding payouts one day prior to the date you want to begin sending Owner Statements, such as the last day of the month prior to sending your first Owner Statement. This essentially creates a "baseline" so that the OwnerRez system thinks each owner is paid through the end of the month.
To view the default Owner Statement Template, navigate to PM > Statements & Payouts > Owner Statements > + Create Owner Statement > select the owner from the Owner dropdown menu > choose a date from the Statement Date field > and click the "Preview Only" button. This will show you what the statement will look like when you go to create one (before it's actually created). When you're ready to generate the statement you'd click the "Create" button instead of Preview. Here is a screenshot that has all of the default settings. Notice that we selected our Preferred Statement View from the Preferred View dropdown list.
At the top of your Owner Statement, you'll have a couple of options. From here, you can record the payout by clicking on the Record Payout button, change this statement by clicking on the Change Statement button, email the Owner Statement by clicking on the Email Statement button, or print, download, or delete the Owner Statement.
After you click on the Email Statement button, the email editor will appear. It includes a link to your Owner Statement, which you can email to the owner. This screenshot displays the default email Owner Statement template that users can edit if desired.
Your completed Owner Statement will now appear on the Owner Statements grid. Note that the Status column is Paid in Full and the Email column is Emailed. You can export Owner Statements by clicking on the upper right Export button.
Here's an example of a simple Owner Statement, and here's a link to a Sample Owner Statement.pdf.
On the right side, you can click on the Action dropdown menu > View Snapshot to view a snapshot of each individual booking.
Expense Displays
Owner statements for vacation rental property management are vital for fostering a transparent relationship between property managers and owners by providing a clear financial breakdown of each property's performance, detailing income sources and, more importantly, expenses such as cleaning fees, repairs, and maintenance costs. Expense sections also include relevant booking information in the Expenses sections on PMv2 Owner Statements.
Customize your Owner Statements
Want to customize your Owner Statements to reflect your property management company's "brand?" Use OwnerRez "themes" to customize the header or footer of your owner statements.
To create a new Theme, navigate to Settings > Branding & Legal > Theming > + Create Theme > Owner Statements > Change. If you want to edit a current Theme, navigate to your current Theme (Settings > Branding & Legal > Theming > your current Theme > Owner Statements > Change.).
At the bottom of the Theming page, the Owner Statements header/footer sections appear.
You can edit those sections to display whatever you want, add a logo, etc. You can also use field codes to make them dynamic to the owner or date. For instance, you could make the top of each statement show your logo, the owner's name, and the statement month and year, like: "Statement for Jane Doe for Month 20XX". You would enter the below in the edit screen and format it to have the font, size, etc., that you want.

Then, click Save and go to the PM area and view an existing, or create, an Owner Statement (then to preview, use the Print Statement button). The above statement looks like this: