Worldline Bambora

OwnerRez offers many different payment processing options including the ability to accept credit cards.  However, we are not a credit card processor ourselves.  Instead, we integrate with dozens of industry-standard processors and gateways, so you're free to pick and choose which processor you want to use, and OwnerRez will connect with it and happily process your guest's credit cards under the covers.

Worldline, formerly known as Bambora (and before that Beanstream), is a payments provider that offers both merchant accounts and gateway processing. They provide a suite of payment offerings to both Canadian and American businesses, and signing up for an account is simple and takes only a few days to begin processing.

Worldline (Legacy)

  • Voids are not supported. Only refunds are supported, and the transaction fee will still be applied to the full payment amount for same-day refunds.

Worldline Bambora accounts using the API Passcode

  • Voids are supported.

Business Location Requirements

Worldline accepts businesses with a business address and bank location in the following locations.

  • United States
  • Canada


Worldline supports the following currencies.

  • USD
  • CAD and USD (Canadian domiciled US Dollar)

Setup & Connecting Worldline

In order to use your Worldline account with OwnerRez, there are a set of API credentials that you will need to retrieve from Worldline and store in OwnerRez.

Once you've added the Worldline payment method in OwnerRez, you'll need to enter the following API Credentials at the top of the page.

Once you've added the Worldline payment method in OwnerRez, you'll need to enter your API Credentials at the top of the page.

These items are provided to you by Worldline and can be found in the Worldline gateway terminal under Order Settings.

While Worldline is actively transitioning brands, there may be discrepancies in branding across their companies as they work towards one unified Worldline brand. You may see Bambora, Ingenico, and Worldline, but the service will be the same. 

To find these items in Worldline, follow these steps.

1. Login to Worldline.

2. Go to Administration > Account Settings > Order Settings.

3. Scroll down to Security/Authentication and ensure the button for "Use username/password validation against transaction" is selected.

4. Create a username and password using the criteria required by Worldline (right now it is >= 8 characters and must include 2 numbers). Do not use the same username or password as you use for the Worldline gateway terminal, or OwnerRez!

5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select "Update".

6. Login to OwnerRez, then go to Settings > Financial > Payment Methods.

 Login to OwnerRez, then go to Settings > Financial > Payment Methods.

7. Click + Connect a Payment Method.

Click + Connect a Payment Method.

8. Click Connect Worldline (Bambora).

Click Connect Worldline (Bambora).

9. Enter your Merchant ID and the Username and Password that you created in step 4.

Enter your Merchant ID and the Username and Password that you created in step 4.

10. Select your accepted credit card types. Enter your statement text and click Save.

Select your accepted credit card types. Enter your statement text and click Save.

Security Deposit Holds

If Security Deposit Holds are configured, users should note that Worldline (formerly Bambora) does NOT allow security deposit holds to be released early. OwnerRez does send the release request at the appointed time and records that, but Worldline will ignore it. This means that the actual release can take up to two weeks. This is outside of OwnerRez's or your control.

The Security Deposit Hold Time Limit is 7 days, renewed automatically.

Test, Test, Test

After creating the payment method in OwnerRez, do a test transaction using a real credit card.  There is no better way of testing your API Credentials then running a real credit card.  To do that, create a manual booking, collect a payment using your personal credit and a small amount (say $5).  Once it goes through, use the Void & Delete option on the payment to void the credit card payment.  Then cancel or delete the booking.  That will tell you definitively that everything is good to go.

Common Issues & Questions

How do I handle a "SERV NOT ALLOWED" error?

Service Not Allowed usually means there's a restriction either on the type of card or that the account isn't fully activated for processing yet.  Review the instructions above and make sure you've fully completed them.  If you're still getting this error, you'll need to reach out to Bambora support for assistance.

Can I void a transaction?

OwnerRez users should follow the instructions to process a Cancellation Within 24 Hours of Booking, but for a definitive answer about handling your payment processor, see Worldline's How do I process a refund or void? support article for instructions.