The OwnerRez system handles auto-cancellation and reminders about payments not received. Services for scheduled payments and security deposit collection, reauthorization, and release services occur at midnight in each property's timezone. The service operates around that time, so it may not exactly start at midnight, but any properties within that timezone will be queued up.
While collecting guest payments is mostly automated in OwnerRez, there may be times you need to collect payments manually, such as pending bookings, extending or changing a stay, changing charges, or moving a booking to a different property.
- Collecting Payment Manually
- Request Payment from Guest
- Schedule Future Payments and Security Deposits
Collecting Payment Manually
If you have credit card information already on file in OwnerRez for this booking:
First, if you don't know if you do, go to the Booking's Transactions tab. If there have been any credit card charges, they'll be shown there, with a icon of the card and the last 4 digits of the card number. This indicates that a card is on file, and you can take an additional payment from that same card.
Once you have correctly modified the charges as described above, the Booking should show a balance due from the guest in red.
You can directly collect this amount via the Payments dropdown button, Collect Payment option. This will simply charge the code on file for the remaining balance or a portion of it if you specify an amount.
Or, if the Booking is still a ways off in the future and there is a Scheduled payment still coming, you can just let the extra charges be picked up by that scheduled payment automatically.
If the guest paid you directly, but via some method other than a credit card:
You can request an additional payment from the guest by using the Request dropdown button on the Transactions tab shown above, and selecting "Request Payment". This will format an email to the guest asking them to pay what is due. They can do this via any acceptable payment methods that you have made available to them, and will be handled in the usual way.
If this is a booking from some other listing channel that handles all payments:
You will need to use that channel's method for requesting additional payments from a guest, after manually updating the booking charges in OwnerRez. When the payment arrives from the channel, you can record that in the Booking under Transactions, using the Payments dropdown button and selecting Record Payment. If the charges have been entered correctly, the Booking should end up showing a balance of 0.
Request Payment from Guest
There may be situations where you need to directly request payment and new credit card details from your guest.
You can do that my navigating to the specific Booking > Transactions > and from the Payments dropdown menu, select Request Payment from Guest.
On the Request a payment from guest pop-up, you can include the requested payment amount and any additional instructions or notes for the payment form, or you can leave it blank to use the default note. Click on Compose Email.
Preview the secure online guest form that your guest will see when they click on the link from the email you are sending to the guest by clicking on the Preview button or clicking on the Copy button to copy the URL and paste it into a new browser tab to view. Notice that the guest will be able to add their updated credit card details on this form.
Schedule Future Payments and Security Deposits
It's vital that your guests pay for their reservations on time. However, sometimes, in our haste, we forget that "collecting" a payment, especially with Pending Bookings, does NOT automatically schedule future guest payments.
When users collect payments manually, the Options > Schedule Payments section automatically schedules future payments and security deposits (if configured) by default.
Even though the Schedule Payments? is checked by default, users can always choose to "uncheck" those when collecting a payment.