Leaving Hostaway because of their booking fee?

Example - Review Index

Reviews are different from other HAXML endpoints in that they require a POST request to fetch data instead of a GET.

The reviews index provides a list of all published reviews for single listing for a single advertiser. The payload on this request must include both advertiserId and listingExternalId.

This request may optionally be filtered by startDate and endDate to limit the results. Format dates as YYYY-MM-DD.

Example request for all reviews:


curl --user ${ownerrez_user}:${ownerrez_key} --location --request POST "${ownerrez_api}/haapi/haxml/${ownerrez_account_id}/reviewindex" --header 'Content-Type: application/xml' --data-raw "

<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
</reviewContentIndexRequest>" --silent | xmllint --format -


?xml version="1.0"?>

Example request with startDate filter:


curl --user ${ownerrez_user}:${ownerrez_key} --location --request POST "${ownerrez_api}/haapi/haxml/${ownerrez_account_id}/reviewindex" --header 'Content-Type: application/xml' --data-raw "
<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
</reviewContentIndexRequest>" --silent | xmllint --format -

