Leaving Hostaway because of their booking fee?

Trigger For Exact Day of Week Trash Reminders
(page 2 )

Status: Planned 162 Votes
BlueSky Getwaway
May 4, 2022 9:46 AM
Joined Mar, 2022 38 posts

I have a template & trigger to send three days into a booking to send garbage msg, this has been working fine so far, not sure if that helps anyone.

May 5, 2022 2:48 PM
Joined Apr, 2022 17 posts

Miles T
May 8, 2022 4:42 PM
Joined May, 2022 19 posts

Have you started using clicksend yet? I'm curious how you like it?

Miles T
May 8, 2022 4:43 PM
Joined May, 2022 19 posts

How are you liking using clicksend? Is it effective for you?

May 8, 2022 4:51 PM
Joined Jun, 2018 132 posts

What we need is

Send Email_Trash_Template to guest where guest is at property_ID and day_of_the_week is Tuesday.


Miles T
May 8, 2022 4:59 PM
Joined May, 2022 19 posts

Does this have to be sent through ownerrez? Why can't you send automated message through Airbnb scheduled message?

May 16, 2022 2:45 PM
Joined Apr, 2022 17 posts

May 16, 2022 2:47 PM
Joined Apr, 2022 17 posts

Miles T
May 16, 2022 2:51 PM
Joined May, 2022 19 posts

I see. Did you try using clicksend and it's still a headache?

David K
May 16, 2022 5:13 PM
Joined Aug, 2021 5 posts

Hi Ben the guest does not need  to do anything. Providing OR has the mobile number stored as the main number, then I use the OR schedule email feature to send it a SMS the day before the rubbish is to be collected.  The collection alternates between general rubbish one week and recycle the next so it is important they put out the right bin. In the UK it is possible to use the option in clicksend to make it appears the SMS comes from my mobile so they can reply to you. This feature may not work in all countries. I also use clicksend to send SMS messages just before the guest arrives and just before they leave, using the OR triggers.

Chuck K
Jun 25, 2022 3:32 PM
Joined Oct, 2019 87 posts

I think there is a work-around, but it requires 7 triggers. I haven't implemented this but it should work. Maybe an OR member can confirm the logic works in Triggers?



For a Sunday reminder (adjust for other days)


At scheduled time, 0 days after booking arrives (time should be AFTER check-in)

Booking Fields:

Arrival Day of the week is Sunday

Departure Days from Now is Greater Than or Equal to 1



At scheduled time, 6 days after booking arrives (set to any time you want)

Booking Fields:

Arrival Day of the week is Monday

Departure Days from Now is Greater Than or Equal to 1


Action: At scheduled time, 5 days after booking arrives (set to any time you want)

Booking Fields:

Arrival Day of the week is Tuesday

Departure Days from Now is Greater Than or Equal to 1


Action: At scheduled time, 4 days after booking arrives (set to any time you want)

Booking Fields:

Arrival Day of the week is Wednesday

Departure Days from Now is Greater Than or Equal to 1



At scheduled time, 3 days after booking arrives (set to any time you want)

Booking Fields:

Arrival Day of the week is Thursday

Departure Days from Now is Greater Than or Equal to 1



At scheduled time, 2 days after booking arrives (set to any time you want)

Booking Fields:

Arrival Day of the week is Friday

Departure Days from Now is Greater Than or Equal to 1



At scheduled time, 1 day after booking arrives (set to any time you want)

Booking Fields:

Arrival Day of the week is Saturday

Departure Days from Now is Greater Than or Equal to 1


For a Monday reminder:



At scheduled time, 0 days after booking arrives (time should be AFTER check-in)

Booking Fields:

Arrival Day of the week is Monday

Departure Days from Now is Greater Than or Equal to 1



At scheduled time, 6 days after booking arrives (set to any time you want)

Booking Fields:

Arrival Day of the week is Tuesday

Departure Days from Now is Greater Than or Equal to 1


Action: At scheduled time, 5 days after booking arrives (set to any time you want)

Booking Fields:

Arrival Day of the week is Wednesday

Departure Days from Now is Greater Than or Equal to 1


Action: At scheduled time, 4 days after booking arrives (set to any time you want)

Booking Fields:

Arrival Day of the week is Thurssday

Departure Days from Now is Greater Than or Equal to 1



At scheduled time, 3 days after booking arrives (set to any time you want)

Booking Fields:

Arrival Day of the week is Friday

Departure Days from Now is Greater Than or Equal to 1



At scheduled time, 2 days after booking arrives (set to any time you want)

Booking Fields:

Arrival Day of the week is Saturday

Departure Days from Now is Greater Than or Equal to 1



At scheduled time, 1 day after booking arrives (set to any time you want)

Booking Fields:

Arrival Day of the week is Sunday

Departure Days from Now is Greater Than or Equal to 1


Aug 17, 2022 8:23 AM
Joined Sep, 2019 3 posts

Yes I really would like this feather turned on.   If the booking occurs on a (day of the week) 

also would be aweosme for if booking occurs during a month and day (for festival activities) would be great too so I don’t have to send manual emails.   

please please. 

Norman H
Aug 28, 2022 6:13 PM
Joined Nov, 2020 1 post

Agreed.  Want this feature

Nov 29, 2022 10:42 PM
Joined Mar, 2022 23 posts

What’s the status here?

Ventura County V
Nov 30, 2022 3:50 PM
Joined Mar, 2022 122 posts

OwnerRez does have an app.  The best kind in fact, a PWA that doesn't require approval from an app store.

Jan 1, 2023 4:38 PM
Joined Jun, 2021 6 posts

Any updates????? This would be so helpful! 

Jan 9, 2023 1:09 PM
Joined Jun, 2018 132 posts

I get your concern. The answer...

Don't implement this suggestion into the current trigger.

Create a whole new trigger option (Trigger Date?) for dates. Specific dates, day of week etc.

Should be very easy to do IF you separate this from the bookings.

Ken T
Mar 20, 2023 11:09 AM
OR Team Member Joined Aug, 2019 1706 posts

This is planned, hopefully for sometime this year.

Glenn Moore
Mar 20, 2023 11:44 AM
Joined Nov, 2012 79 posts

Hmmm @sloanish, I am not sure I understand your reply. 

Specifically "...IF you separate this from the bookings".   The whole point of this feature is to be part of the bookings.  For example, I need renters to take the trash out Thursday nights.    If there is a current booking that spans Thursday night, I would like a reminder message to go out to them to take the trash to the road.  This needs to go to the email on the current booking.   If no bookings are present on a Thursday night, then I would not want to send a message (since there are no renters to send a message to).  Therefore I don't see how you could separate this from the bookings.

I think that is the whole point of this thread - to send a reminder to a booking email IF a day of the week is met during their stay.  If I just simply want a weekly email to go out to ...say ... my cleaners, then I can easily set that up in my regular email program or another sort of messaging program as it does not care about bookings or who is currently booking my property.



Evan F
Jul 8, 2023 6:06 PM
Joined May, 2023 1 post

Hi Ken,

Do you have an update on the implementation timing of this feature please?


This is planned, hopefully for the first half of this year.

by Ken T – Mar 20, 2023 3:09 PM (UTC)


Thanks, Evan