The ability to have expiration dates on discounts.

Status: Requested 4 Votes
Apr 14, 2021 10:01 AM
Joined Nov, 2020 1 post


I was going through my discounts and surcharges. I was wondering if OwnerRez could chose either and expiration date for the discount or if we could run it indefinitely?



Paul W
Apr 14, 2021 10:51 AM
OR Team Member Joined Jun, 2009 848 posts

Hi Mark, great suggestion. You can do this already by using the Booking Criteria fields at the bottom of the discount to only apply it to booking dates (or arrivel/departures dates) up to a certain date. That would be the same as setting an expiration. The discount would no longer work for everything after that point.

Robert P
Oct 3, 2024 12:25 PM
Joined Aug, 2023 46 posts

What we need is to have a discount apply for a certain length of time, but leave the rest of the quote intact, and still bookable.

Sending a quote with an included discount with an expiration of, say, two weeks, is problematic, because the guest should still be able to book the quote without the discount, even after the two weeks for the discount has expired.

So the discount within a quote should have an expiration period, and the quote itself should have a longer, separate expiration period.

Or am I misunderstanding something?