Yes, this was released back on December 18th!
It would be convenient when running sales reports to have the option to include historical data for deactivated properties. In looking at year over year, or past sales, a dropdown box to choose any or all deactivated properties would be nice. The process of reactivating, running reports, then deactivating properties is tedious.
This would be enormously beneficial!
There is a forum thread on this and the response from OR has been pathetic at best.
This request would marry well the freature request "custom reports". That particular feature request is labeled as "planned" so if this feature could be added to that feature, we can finally get some great reporting.
Being able to pull data from disabled properties should be a basic feature for generating reports as well.
Any updates on this? I would be willing to pay a premium to have a "enabled, disabled, and non-active" property to see them in a report. Maybe $1.00 a month for "non-active" and it shows in reporting.
I was shocked to discover that I don't automatically have access to all the data for the history of my account. I would expect to have this. I recently disabled a property that the owner decided to switch to a long term rental. I assumed that I would always have easy access to all my data from the time I began using OwnerRez.
This should absolutely be a feature. My understanding is that reactivating a property incurs additional monthly on-going charges for the subscription. I don't believe we should have to pay for access to that historical data on deactivated properties.
Disabled my first property and was amazed to find I could not longer include it in reports. Seems a basic functionality of reporting.
Ken's suggested workaround would be fine if this were a temporary solution knowing a permanent update were in the works.
I appreciate Matt's suggestion on how to keep a property active essentially for free, and might just look into that for myself!
[Another topic was closed as a duplicate of this topic (Disabled Property Reporting)]
Shawn, any update on this? It is quiet the hassle to re-enable a property, and the risk that come with doing that (like a freak potential of a booking) then disable it just to get historical data.
Hey everyone, quick update that this feature request has changed status to In Development, and actually the development is already over, and it's in testing as I write this. All reports will have a new active and disabled properties selector. I'm looking forward to getting this one out - long overdue!
Sneak peak from dev land:
Paul, thanks for the update.
We need the option for all properties at once.
Active and Disabled at the same time.
This would allow us to see and compare YoY or year to date.
Example, I want to run a report and see what my total commission is for the year on everything.
The radio button looks like either or.
I second Jason on this!
I am glad that this feature is changing but we absolutely need a way to run reports for ALL, not separately.
Yes, we need this urgently…and for contacts as well so we can export for marketing purposes.
This really good news!
And yes please include three buttons - Active, Disable and Both;
Thanks for much OR!!
This has evolved due to feedback. Here is how it will look upon release:
Thanks for the feedback!
That is great, will be such a huge help! Any rough idea when this will roll out?
Will we get this before end of year?
Yes, this was released back on December 18th!