Check-in Widget for Wordpress

Status: Requested 3 Votes
Mar 22, 2021 4:46 PM
Joined Jul, 2018 29 posts

I'd like a widget I could embed in a wordpress page that would facilitate the check-in process. For my check-in, i need to collect a copy of the person's ID (which they could upload from a selfie) and place an $X hold on their credit card that I could charge against in case of damages. This needs to work even if the booking comes from a third-party not-integrated booking site. Would include an email template (with # of days before arrival) to send to the guest telling them "it's time to check in" with a link to the page (that's where the widget comes in) in a way that the widget could identify the correct booking that's being checked in.

On check-in completion, I could review the info to make sure it's not a bogus ID and then send another template with their door code (we can do this now, this is just part of the process I envision and how this would tie in). I don't like to give out door lock codes without a photo ID and credit card on file.

WIBNI: a way to identify extras I could provide, like a BBQ or high chair and charge a fee for those as part of the check-in process.