Different Security Deposits for different lengths of stays???

Dakota Propertie
Sep 19, 2023 12:31 PM
Joined Apr, 2023 2 posts

I am trying to set up Mid-Term stays 21-28 days. I would like to have 2 different security deposits set up. Currently I have a security deposit set up for all stays regardless of length at $400.00/stay, but I would like to have a secondary security deposit between $1,500-$2,000/ stay with a separate booking criteria that triggers it if someone books a mid-term stay of 21-28 nights?

#1 can this be done in OR?

#2 Any way to do this when API connected?

#3 Can I create an adder to the existing security deposit?

#4 Does OR have a criteria option that will trigger a different security deposit?


Thanks in advance


Sep 21, 2023 12:54 PM
Joined Jun, 2016 1134 posts

Is you sec dep a hold or a charge? if it is a hold,   28 days is pushing it. Maybe create a surcharge (like Management fee)  that is only applicable in booking length >= 21 days. And refund it post stay? 

Dakota Propertie
Sep 21, 2023 1:06 PM
Joined Apr, 2023 2 posts
