Unveiling Schlage Door Locks Powered by OwnerRez, Accompanied by Some Creepy Crawly Fixes!

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One, two, Freddy’s coming for your STR. Three, four, better lock your door!

Get ready to be thrilled! As Halloween approaches, check out this week's chilling product update that's all about our October 25th release with 14 updates, including our hair-raising new Schlage Lock Integration Powered by OwnerRez, along with a number of creepy crawly bugs.

New Features

Schlage Door Locks Powered by OwnerRez

OwnerRez is proud to present our first direct lock integration, the long-awaited Schlage locks integration!

Not familiar with Smart Locks? A great place to start is by reviewing the Smart Lock Overview vacation rental guide.

Schlage Door Lock Logo

Priced at $4/lock per month, the OwnerRez Schlage integration supports the following lock series:

  • Encode (Wifi)
  • Encode Plus (Wifi)

For an initial release, we've made it quite feature-rich. After mapping a lock to a property, you can lock and unlock, and view lock info and events. You can also see at a glance the battery level and whether the lock is locked or unlocked.

Users can download the free Schlage Home app to get started. Then, pair their Schlage account and configure the lock integration directly in OwnerRez.

Here are the quick and dirty steps to take inside OwnerRez to get started:

1. Go to Settings > Door Locks (under Workflow & Devices)

2. Click the "Connect Schlage Home" button

3. Acknowledge the monthly fee per lock that will be added to your monthly charges if you have a Schlage lock or locks mapped. Click "Ok, I understand" to continue.

4. At that point, you will be sent to Schlage's website with a page that asks you to confirm a few things. These three things are paramount to establishing a successful connection to your Schlage lock(s) using OwnerRez. Do not proceed until you have completed all three.

5. Once you confirm all 3 have been completed, click each checkbox and then click "Let's go" to continue.

6. Then, enter your email address and password to sign in to your Schlage account. Click "Sign In" to continue.

7. Once logged in, Schlage will redirect you back to your locks page in OwnerRez. You can then click "Change" to tweak your Schlage integration settings.

8. Once you have completed step 7, you can proceed to mapping your lock(s) to your properties. We recommend you start with one to see how things are looking and working.

Check out the Schlage support article for more information.

Coming Soon - Igloohome and Hubitat

Be on the lookout for our upcoming Igloohome and Hubitat lock integrations powered by OwnerRez!

Bug Fixes

Don't Send Changed System Messages or Alerts When Only Cleaning Date is Changed. Guests and OR users sometimes received system emails or alerts that their booking had been changed. It was determined that the system emails or alerts were sent when an OAuth app such as Turno changed the cleaning date. We corrected this bug so guests and OR users will no longer receive booking changed alerts when apps change the cleaning date.

Ensure Payment Information is Required for Team Accounts Upgraded to Full Accounts. When a Team Access Staff Member user was upgraded to be a full user (i.e., billing will commence) they were not always asked to add a credit card. This has been fixed to require a card to be put on file to change the account from Staff to a Full account (billed) user.

Fix Cancellation Policy Preview Displays Incorrectly. When users created or edited a cancellation policy and selected the "Yes, but it's complicated" option, the available options included cancellation policies that the user had never used. This bug has been fixed to display only any previously used cancellation policies in the preview for any "Yes, but it's complicated" options.

Fix First Webhook Attempt Should Treat Any 2xx Code as Successful, Not Just 200. We were not treating 204 codes as success in our node version of the webhook sender. We corrected this error and will now treat any 200-299 code as successful.

Fix Rare Edge Case Error on Viewing Booking Transactions. An OR user encountered an error while attempting to view a booking transaction. We resolved this bug, and the user can now correctly view booking transactions.

Handle Very Long Names on Inquiries. The Inquiry widget's name field is limited to 32 characters, which can cause errors for long names. We have fixed this glitch to better handle long names by adding specific space-splitting logic to the spaces in long names.

Hide Registration Number Heading From Hosted Websites When Registration Number is Not Configured. Users that did not have their property registration number configured in the {PDESREGNUM} field and then created a Property Description Override for their Hosted Website noticed that the empty Registration Number heading was displayed live on their Hosted Website. We resolved this bug by not showing the Registration Number header if both the registration number and date fields are empty.

Improve Airbnb Publish Check Upon Connection. If an OR user created an unpublished Airbnb listing with one address, disconnected that listing from Airbnb, then created another OR property with a different address and attempted to connect that new property to the initial Airbnb listing, the listing would be unable to correctly sync. We have fixed this glitch to consider published Airbnb listings in the past only if it is published now and has an address, and if the listing was published previously when we try to push, that push will set the Airbnb listing to published.

Increase System Email Subject Maximum Length to 256 Characters. The email subject limit of 128 characters caused errors for users with long property names. We have increased the email subject limit to 256 characters. This will prevent errors for users with long property names.

Remove BridgePay as Payment Processor Option. BridgePay is a deprecated payment processor product only available in the United States. Due to underwriting limitations, new BridgePay account applications can no longer be submitted, and this payment processor has been removed as an option for OR payments.

Remove Disabled Integrations From Property Field Differences Article. Disabled API-integrated channels were visible in the  Property Field Differences support article when users clicked on the far right HomeToGo, Houfy +14 others dropdown menu. We've resolved this by not having those show any longer.

102 Comments (add yours)

Julie M
Nov 6, 2023 4:43 PM
Joined Nov, 2021 1 post

If I set my door codes to generate 7 days prior to guest arrival, will it set if a guest books less than 7 days out?  I have many bookings on Airbnb in off seasons that are less than 3 days and don't want to miss a door code setting.

Paul W
Nov 8, 2023 8:49 AM
OR Team Member Joined Jun, 2009 860 posts

Eric - Can I be a part of the Hubitat beta?

by Chris O – Nov 6, 2023 6:19 PM (UTC)

Yep.  Use the contact form to send a ticket in and reference my comment.  We'll get you routed to the correct place.  Do you already have a Hubitat controller at your property (or residence) you can use?  Have you connected smart (Z-Wave or Zigbee) locks to it?

Paul W
Nov 8, 2023 8:55 AM
OR Team Member Joined Jun, 2009 860 posts

If I set my door codes to generate 7 days prior to guest arrival, will it set if a guest books less than 7 days out?  I have many bookings on Airbnb in off seasons that are less than 3 days and don't want to miss a door code setting.

by Julie M – Nov 6, 2023 9:43 PM (UTC)

Yes, if it's inside the door code generation period, the code will be set immediately.  There are a number of graceful fall-back steps like that that the system performs regularly.  For instance, there are locks that cannot be reached/set because of down internet or other problems.  The integration attempts to handle these scenarios.

Chris O
Nov 8, 2023 8:55 AM
Joined Mar, 2023 7 posts

Submitted the contact form. Yes I have been using Hubitat for a number of years, across multiple locations. I use ZWave locks from Yale. When I first integrated with OwnerRez I had started to write a tool to move lock information into Hubitat from OwnerRez but didn't get to finishing it as other optimizations were easier to save time.

Eric - Can I be a part of the Hubitat beta?

by Chris O – Nov 6, 2023 6:19 PM (UTC)

Yep.  Use the contact form to send a ticket in and reference my comment.  We'll get you routed to the correct place.  Do you already have a Hubitat controller at your property (or residence) you can use?  Have you connected smart (Z-Wave or Zigbee) locks to it?

by Paul W – Nov 8, 2023 1:49 PM (UTC)


Kelly M
Nov 8, 2023 8:58 AM
Joined Apr, 2021 26 posts

Is there an estimated timeframe on addressing the 7 digit code issue? 

Teresa J
Nov 8, 2023 9:18 AM
Joined Jan, 2023 6 posts

Yes, please provide an ETA for the fix.  As a work around, once the 7 digit code is created, if I go into the app and change the code by deleting the 3 zeros, will it still work as long as I don't sync it from OR again?

Nathan W
Nov 14, 2023 11:52 AM
Joined May, 2022 4 posts

Fixed! Thanks for all the hard work guys. I really appreciate it. 

Anne S
Nov 15, 2023 9:28 AM
OR Team Member Joined Sep, 2022 152 posts

Fixed! Thanks for all the hard work guys. I really appreciate it. 

by Nathan W – Nov 14, 2023 4:52 PM (UTC)

Our pleasure, Nathan!

Dror E
Nov 15, 2023 9:51 AM
Joined Jul, 2022 5 posts

Any update or ETA when the first entrance notification using a code would be added? 

Paul W
Nov 15, 2023 10:57 AM
OR Team Member Joined Jun, 2009 860 posts

Quick update here...  Keep your eye out for the weekly Product Update blog post, which will discuss this in more detail, but an update went out this morning that included some Schlage fixes:

  • Delete expired codes from lock
  • Make code length editable now that Schlage supports it (for locks with latest firmware)
  • Use guest name for access code name instead of ORBxxx number
Kelly M
Nov 21, 2023 5:53 PM
Joined Apr, 2021 26 posts

Feature Request for next Schlage integration update!! 

We have been having issues with our locks disconnecting randomly - seems to happen if the wifi goes out or has an issue. We only find out that the lock is disconnected once the guest arrives and... their code didn't get programmed because the lock was disconnected. 

It would be REAL helpful if there was an email or a notification that went out as soon as the lock experienced a connection issue so that we could troubleshoot proactively ASAP. Maddeningly there doesn't seem to be this feature on the Schlage app... but if OwnerRez could send out an email notification as soon as a lock had a connection issue, that would be extremely helpful in preventing very stressful guest moments.

If anyone knows of a better way to deal with this that currently exists, I'm all ears!

Anne S
Nov 22, 2023 10:47 AM
OR Team Member Joined Sep, 2022 152 posts

Feature Request for next Schlage integration update!! 

We have been having issues with our locks disconnecting randomly - seems to happen if the wifi goes out or has an issue. We only find out that the lock is disconnected once the guest arrives and... their code didn't get programmed because the lock was disconnected. 

It would be REAL helpful if there was an email or a notification that went out as soon as the lock experienced a connection issue so that we could troubleshoot proactively ASAP. Maddeningly there doesn't seem to be this feature on the Schlage app... but if OwnerRez could send out an email notification as soon as a lock had a connection issue, that would be extremely helpful in preventing very stressful guest moments.

If anyone knows of a better way to deal with this that currently exists, I'm all ears!

Thank you for the feedback DesertCompass. I see that you have already added this to the Schlage Encode Feature Request. That is a frustrating situation, for sure. Have you been able to troubleshoot your wifi connectivity issues?

You might want to keep an eye on our upcoming Igloohome and Hubitat integrations. Igloohome products are designed to work offline, using their "algoPINs" (short for algorithmic PIN). The Hubitat integration is unique because it is not a lock brand but rather a home automation hub for people with Zigbee or Z-wave devices (low-energy wireless communication protocol). 

Michael V
Nov 26, 2023 9:28 PM
Joined Mar, 2019 7 posts

I just setup the integration with one property as a 'test case'.  


I have two questions:

1.  Existing reservations don't seem to have door codes assigned.  Is this only for new reservations?  If so, Is there a way to proactivly assign codes to existing reservations?  (I set it to use last 4 of phone number).  I read you can see the codes on the booking pages but I am not finding them.  Can you share a screenshot where to find them on the bookings?

2.  Will I need to setup a template/trigger for this?  If so, can you please share the shortcodes so I can link to the code in the template.  A basic example would be helpful such as:  Hi XXX.  Please use the code XXX to gain access to the lock". 



Anne S
Nov 27, 2023 9:39 AM
OR Team Member Joined Sep, 2022 152 posts

I just setup the integration with one property as a 'test case'.  


I have two questions:

1.  Existing reservations don't seem to have door codes assigned.  Is this only for new reservations?  If so, Is there a way to proactivly assign codes to existing reservations?  (I set it to use last 4 of phone number).  I read you can see the codes on the booking pages but I am not finding them.  Can you share a screenshot where to find them on the bookings?

2.  Will I need to setup a template/trigger for this?  If so, can you please share the shortcodes so I can link to the code in the template.  A basic example would be helpful such as:  Hi XXX.  Please use the code XXX to gain access to the lock". 




1. Yes, you can follow the instructions on the Batch Update Codes on Multiple Bookings section to add codes to your existing reservations. You can see the Door Codes set on individual bookings on the Booking Overview > General Info > Door Code.

Booking Overview > General Info > Door Code2. Yes, follow the instructions on Showing/Sending Codes To Guests to create your own Template and Trigger.

Michael V
Nov 27, 2023 2:16 PM
Joined Mar, 2019 7 posts

Thank you Ann!  I successfully batch updated all but one.  The one gave this error for ORB8517363:



Also, I see the template and trigger guide.  Thanks!  Thats very helpful.  I noticed in airbnb many guests don't provide their e-mail address and airbnb is eliminating the airbnb e-mails they used to provide.   

Is there a way to do a channel template so that the code is sent, as a message within airbnb?  Or are we limited to email communication only?

Anne S
Nov 27, 2023 3:00 PM
OR Team Member Joined Sep, 2022 152 posts

Thank you Ann!  I successfully batch updated all but one.  The one gave this error for ORB8517363:



Also, I see the template and trigger guide.  Thanks!  Thats very helpful.  I noticed in airbnb many guests don't provide their e-mail address and airbnb is eliminating the airbnb e-mails they used to provide.   

Is there a way to do a channel template so that the code is sent, as a message within airbnb?  Or are we limited to email communication only?

That's good news, Michael! I suggest that you reach out to the OR Helpdesk if you are not able to sort out the door lock code for ORB8517363.

This support doc, Request Airbnb Guest Contact Information, addresses gathering Airbnb guest emails. And yes, you can configure either an Email Template or a Channel Template to send guest door codes.

Mar 9, 2024 9:24 PM
Joined Sep, 2021 8 posts

I’m loving this integration, works perfectly except for the toggle on the Schlage app that says “notify me when code is used” is not automatically turned on so I have to manually go to each guest and turn it on. Any idea how to get this to be set as turned on by default? 

Anne S
Mar 11, 2024 10:55 AM
OR Team Member Joined Sep, 2022 152 posts

I’m loving this integration, works perfectly except for the toggle on the Schlage app that says “notify me when code is used” is not automatically turned on so I have to manually go to each guest and turn it on. Any idea how to get this to be set as turned on by default? 

by Susan – Mar 10, 2024 2:24 AM (UTC)

Thanks, Susan!  I agree. That would be very helpful. Ufortunately, that is a Schlage-only feature and isn't currently available to partners at this time. We suggest that you add this as a Feature Request.

Robin M
Mar 25, 2024 10:50 AM
OR Team Member Joined Mar, 2022 4 posts

Hello Susan,

Would you please send in a helpdesk ticket for your Schlage app issue for further investigation.

Oct 3, 2024 10:01 PM
Joined Sep, 2021 8 posts

Is there another integration that would work better? This still hasn't been solved and is a back and forth between Schlage and Ownerrez that I am a bit frustrated by, both blaming the other for being the issue (and I am guessing Schlage is at fault but it's still frustrating to be in the middle of this and feeling helpless since I'm JUST a user with no power in this situation).  I would like to change to another integration if it works better and allows me to have the default toggle to code usage notification as on.