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Customizable form headers, smarter widgets & URL/phone fields

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Personalize the top of your Quote forms

Under Settings, you'll see something new called Form Headers. Form Headers are just what they sound like. The "header" is the information that shows at the top of a form. You can now edit this information to contain your own message or styling.

Simple for now, but lots to build on

At the moment, only the top of the form can be changed, but we're working on extending this to other parts of the form.

Additionally, you can embed field codes into your content so that the form headers change based on which property is selected. Full editing, with the normal list of field codes, is possible right out of the box. If you want to get fancier, using HTML, you can do that too.

Book Now/Inquiry widget validates guest data and shows smarter quotes

You now have options for making the Booking Now/Inquiry widget check rule violations when sending inquiries. Also, when guests get an instant quote, the widget shows instant feedback on rule violations so they know what to correct before proceeding further. And there's a bunch more updates to the widgets that were made - for instance, the adult/child fields are now drop-downs which force guests to enter cleaner data. Check out the widgets on your website or go create one under the Settings area.

URL and Phone Number on properties and profiles

We've added a URL (website) field on your profile (the My Account area) so that you can specify what your personal website is, and we've added URL and phone numbers to the properties as well so that you can specify those things at the property level.

The primary purpose for these new fields is so that you can embed your website and phone number information into emails, legal agreements and form headers so several new field codes have been created:

  • MYURL: Added to display your main website (the root location)
  • MYPHONE: Added to display your primary business phone number
  • MYPHONEI: Added to display an informal version of the phone number
  • PURL: Added to display the website for the property
  • PPHONE: Added to display the phone number at the property (what the guest uses on-site)
  • PPHONEI: Added to display an informal version of the property phone number

Other Changes

Few other changes we slipped into this release:

  • Fixed the Google login connection under linked accounts
  • Added table support to the rich-text editor for legal agreements and form headers
  • Update the Travel Insurance settings page to show information about travel insurance
  • Top search bar updated to search when magnifying glass is clicked